a project to inform those interested about new projects in photography, art and digital media by christian de lutz.
interaction is encouraged. send postings to: blog@cdelutz.net

visit my website

Thursday, May 09, 2002

upcoming exhibitions

galerie plaetterei, berlin (jessnerstr. 22 friedrichshain) inaugural exhibition opens may 30th, 2002 more info

roma in osteuropa, part of the heimat, die wir mit uns tragen festival inerfurt, germany june 23- july 28, 2002

break21 festival of emerging artists kapelica gallery, ljubljana slovenia opens 25 june, 2002

Tuesday, May 07, 2002

meta content,
2001 digitally altered photograph

based on a series of photographsof skopje, the capital of macedonia, and hypertext
by media scholar denisa kera.

the text explores nationalist websites from the former yugoslavia. the section
on macedonia explores the theme of mythophobia, fear of ones neighbor's

denisa kera's text

my website

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