a project to inform those interested about new projects in photography, art and digital media by christian de lutz.
interaction is encouraged.
send postings to:
visit my website
Tuesday, December 02, 2003
Jenseits der Fotografie. Europa.
eine Ausstellung von Christian de Lutz
Beyond Photography. Europe.
An exhibition by Christian de Lutz
Bilder von der Vernissage/ from the opening
photos by Tim Deussen www.tapezismus.de. (mobile phone image: Iris Munt)
exhibition runs from
27 November 2003 – 02 January 2004
Galerie südost Zentrum
Großbeerenstr.88, 10963 Berlin
Mo - Fr 10 - 17 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung
030/ 253 77 990 Kontakt: Iwona Mickiewicz
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Jenseits der Fotografie. Europa.
eine Ausstellung von Christian de Lutz
Zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung am Donnerstag,
den 27. November 2003 in der Galerie südost Zentrum.
laden wir Sie herzlich ein
18h30: Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema Das digitalisierte Bild.
es sprechen:
Christian de Lutz
Tim Deussen (Fotograf)
Dmitri Vilensky (Fotograf/ Videokünstler)
Moderation: Regine Rapp (Kunsthistorikerin)
20 Uhr: Vernissage
Galerie südost Zentrum
Großbeerenstr.88, 10963 Berlin
Mo - Fr 10 - 17 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung
030/ 253 77 990 Kontakt: Iwona Mickiewicz
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
il paradiso: the flight to/ from tuzla
an audiovisual installation
In summer 1995 a young woman from Tuzla narrates her flight from war torn Bosnia three years earlier. She recounts her journey from war to sanctuary in a white marble city on the Adriatic coast.
At the same time that she is telling her story, 15 000 men from the town of Srebrenica
in Eastern Bosnia are fleeing the Bosnian Serb Army, hoping to reach the city of Tuzla. Less than half will survive.
9 Months later, investigators from The Hague based International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and assorted journalists visit the hillside near the hamlet of Kamenica where more than 70 men and boys from Srebrenica died on 12 July, 1995.
The Flight from/ to Tuzla is the first of three projected multimedia installations on the theme of nationalism, media and the break-up of the former Yugoslavia by Christian de Lutz, a New York born artist, who during the 1990s worked as a photographer and journalist in Eastern Europe. He is now based in Berlin.
link to tapescript of the installations audio CD
Saturday, September 27, 2003
in Bunker
Berlin Alexanderplatz 3.10 - 02.11.03
02.10.03 20:00/ 8P.M.
in Room 35
Il paradiso: The flight from/to Tuzla
an installation
by Christian de Lutz
for further information about Paradies see:
Sunday, April 13, 2003
Visions of Berlin
at berliner kunstprojekt
Photographs of the Vernissage on April 11, 2003 by Tim Deussen, www.tapezismus.de
all images copyright 2003 Tim Deussen/ www.tapezismus.de
more images at http://www.tapezismus.de/berliner_kunstprojekt/
Monday, April 07, 2003
invited to the vernissage of
Visions of Berlin
at berliner kunstprojekt
on Friday 11 April at 7 PM.
Gneisenaustrasse 33 (HH) Berlin Kreuzeberg - Ubhf. Gneisenaustr.
a Photography exhibition featuring
Patrick Blasa
Tim Deussen
Sandra Hermannsen
Christian de Lutz
Regine Rapp
Julia Schöffler
and others
Christian de Lutz................................................Julia Schöffler....................Regine Rapp
Tim Deussen....................Sandra Hermannsen
Saturday, April 05, 2003
Berliner Kunstprojekt Art as Fashion-Fashion as Art
Gneisenaustr. 33 Berlin, March 14- 31, 2003
dervish, 1999 gallery views from the exhibition Art as Fashion - Fashion as Art
Berlin Visions a group show of Berlin Photographers including Christian de Lutz, Regine Rapp, Sandra Hermannsen, Julia Schöffler, Patrick Blasa and Tim Deussen opens at Berliner Kunstprojekt on April 11 at 7 PM.
Thursday, March 13, 2003
Wednesday, February 19, 2003
Emerging Arts Presents
A Multimedia Art Extravaganza Showcasing the work of Over 40 NYC Artists.
including Christian de Lutz with the digital projection of the Meta Content series
go to Emerging Arts website
text on my digital projection in the exhibition:
meta content- source code images
The series meta content, 2001-3 began with a series of black and white
photographs I took in Macedonia during the 1990s.
In 2001 I was working with the idea of conceptual trompe l'oeil images -
manipulating photographs to make them appear as paintings, video stills,
In late 2001 I began experimenting with the idea of making 'faux-night vision'
images which imitated military surveillance technology. At about the same
time I became acquainted with a text
by the new media sholar Denisa Kera. The text was part of a larger projects
by scholars at the Charles University in Prague in cooperation with the
Open Society fund researching myths and archetypes and Balkan nationalism.
The text in question was part of a larger analysis of nationalist websites.
The text on Macedonia posited a unique paradigm for Macedonian sites.
Instead of concentraing on Macedonian myths these websites seemed obsessed
by the myths of their neighbors- what Ms. Kera referred to as 'mythophobia'.
For me this idea of 'mythophobia' and fear of ones neighbors fit well with
the paranoic images I was creating. Furthermore it was very much the opposite
of the grand myths found in thos eneighboring countries- a kind of negative
(like a photographic negative) of 'Greater Serbia' or the Greek 'Megala
I have incorporated the source code from Denisa Kera's original site (http://balkan2001.webpark.cz)
into the images, which are all taken in Skopje. To further the 'negative
effect' I have used images that point to the minority and non-Macedonian
(Slav) population (Albanian, Roma, Turkish).
more on the META CONTENT series on my May 7 2002 blog entry
Wednesday, January 08, 2003
Hungary, 2002
Werben>Bewerben >Europa- Yearning for Europe- a project for a New Europe
In January 2004 ten countries are expected to join the European Union. At least another eight are engaged in talks
with the EU or have expressed interest in doing so.
My project, Werben >Bewerben >Europa, incorporates, photography, digital imaging, computer software
source codes and the internet to explore the image and self-presentation of these countries.
The project
The project, was originally proposed for Alexanderplatz U-bahn (subway) station, as part of an ongoing public arts
project. I envision the project being exhibited in a public space, preferably one that is accessed by large numbers
of people during their daily lives. The location could be anywhere within the current 15 nations of the European
The artwork could be shown in several formats:
1. Advertising spaces – billboards, walls of public buildings and access ways. The images would be exhibited at
various sizes- from A0 to billboard format in places normally used for advertising or informative notices.
2. Works printed on 'backlight film' would be attached to the windows or display cases. Several fluorescent lamps
could be placed behind the film creating the effect of an architectural light box.
3. Works could be projected as part of a revolving 'digital slide show' of all the countries in the series. Each image
would be shown for a duration of 30 seconds, enough time for a view to decipher the content. Alternatively multiple
beamers could be used. Beamers would be timed so that different images were projected on multiple screens at
any time, images would appear to travel throughout the exhibition space - going from screen to screen.
The 'digital slide show' could be projected from behind onto a window to which an opaque or transluscent screem
were attached.
The works themselves
The works are all made up of photographs, taken by the artist during the last eight years. They have been digitally
altered and collaged with HTML source code from the main page of the government web site of the nation where
the photograph was taken.
The main page or 'Index' page was chosen as the source of the virtual representation of each nation. The
government web sites function as a basic information source and as an advertisement for each nation as it tries
to present itself as a part of a modern Europe.
Often the HTML source code shows information not visible on the website as viewed through a web browser. The
META Content and description lines often include 'keywords' or subjects that are to be noted by search engines
such as 'Google' and 'Yahoo'. The use of Javascripts may show the versatility and craftsmanship of the web
designer employed by the featured nation.
In altering the color, hue and saturation of the images I plan to provoke a more careful analysis of the images on
the part of the viewer. The image reveals itself more slowly, and the viewer is thus more attentive of small details
in the images, that he or she might normally overlook. The added dimension of the text/ sourcecode invites the
viewer to investigate the whole image further- to put together a puzzle of sorts.
The individual images will be untitled, leaving it to the viewer to figure out which countries they represent by
means of the text/ source code and an affixed national emblem. My aim is to acquaint the viewer a little more
intimately with these new nations, who are now applying (bewerben) to join a larger United Europe.
Czech Republic .......Estonia..............Poland................Turkey.................Slovenia.................Slovakia