a project to inform those interested about new projects in photography, art and digital media by christian de lutz.
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Friday, October 14, 2011

Dada Post presents:

After the Death of Painting

October 15th to November 13th, 2011
Opening: October 15, 2011, 7PM

After the Death of Painting is an exhibition that revisits the controversy from the late 1970s that declared the Western tradition of painting to be dead.

We have brought together artworks that mimic painting, and or compete with painting both formally and conceptually, but are not painting. This would include Large Scale Photographs or Digital works, Multimedia-Assemblage on the wall, Wall-Sculpture, and so on. These are not “oil paint on stretched canvas” works.

For Western painting, the skilled production of representations had been its mission since antiquity, through the Renaissance, and up to the Industrial Revolution. With the camera a new serial mode of image creation was introduced, which changed the way that artists would see and make art forever. Today with these changes, under postmodernity, we observe photography, joined by other practices, as they continue to push painting off the wall.

Painting, of course, did not die. Because also emanating from the late 1970s were several revivals of the Western format for painting. These would include the Junge Wilde movement in Germany, a group of representational painters in the United States led by Mark Tansey, and the Transavantguardia movement in Italy, and well-known today are the Leipzig School of painters. However, the art forms that developed out of the attacks on painting are alive and thriving as well. After the Death of Painting will exhibit some of these practices.
By Howard McCalebb

The artists:
Yasmin Alt
l Martina Baist l Chandra Brooks l Sam Icklow l
Christian de Lutz
l Lola Goller & Lilli Kuschel l Lisa Larsson l
Damian Loboda
l Sara Pfrommer l Johanness Ribarits l Sadie Weis l
Markus Wirthmann
l and Matej Zet

Performances by:
Liz Rosenfeld, and Twilight Claps & Thunder

More information at http://www.dadapost.com/

Nordbahnstraße 10
13409 Berlin