a project to inform those interested about new projects in photography, art and digital media by christian de lutz.
interaction is encouraged.
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Thursday, August 31, 2006
The Museum of Contemporary Art,
Skopje, Macedonia
12 July - 10 September, 2006
The meta content series by Christian de Lutz. .... photograph by Jovan Balov (copyright 2006)
KOLONIE WEDDING BERLIN: Armin Kauker; Mathias Mayer aka Mo Magic; Michaela Strumberger; Claudia Michaela Kochsmeier; Frank Pieperhoff; Christoph Faulhaber; Jovan Balov; Ivona Borkowska; Lucyna Viale; Maciej Diczkowski; Gertsovskaya Marina; Barbara Klinker; Marina G. M. Lyubaskina; Mihail Molohnikov.
PRIMA CENTER BERLIN: Heiko Daxl; Christian de Lutz; Tim Deussen; Archi Galentz; Sybille Hoessler; Peter Kees; Otjörg A.C.; Wadim Rakowski.
The Berlin art scene has reached a substantial level, yet it is still growing. One of the essential changes is the spontaneous de-centralization and its expansion to the other parts of the city. While in the past the points of all kinds of art events were focused on the center of Berlin, since recently the art, especially the alternative one, is being relocated around Berlin Mitte: Kreutzberg, Prentzlauer Berg, Friedrichshain, Tiergarten and of course Wedding offer cultural and artistic programs of every kind.
The carriers of the artistic and cultural events in Wedding are the members of the “Wedding Colony” - “Kolonie Wedding”, an association of art galleries and ateliers. The idea for this association was born out of the necessity to revive culturally this part of Berlin.
The number of the Colony’s members is growing and the cooperation and exchange with artists from abroad is also rising. In the past two years it has promoted projects with artists from the Czech Republic, France, Croatia and Poland, and for next year it plans and exchange with Belgium. The present exhibition in the Museum of Contemporary Art is also part of the concept of presenting the “colonists” abroad and developing a long term and productive cooperation and exchange with the Macedonian artists and cultural institutions.
The gallery Prima Center Berlin has been a member of the association “Wedding Colony” since 2004. Jovan Balov, an artists and the founder of this gallery, says: “It is a gallery, an institution, a space for the art”.... The primary objective of PCB is to make a long term exchange platform between the German artists and the artists from the Balkan countries and to present their works both to the art experts and to the art lovers in each of the countries. The other objective of PCB is to present the works by foreign artists who live and work in Germany.
-Elizabeta Lindner
The coordinator of Easy Transport at the Museum of Contemporary Art is Rolph Kültz-Mackenzie Ph.D. who, as a friend of the “Kolonie Wedding” and the gallery Prima Center Berlin, made the selection of... artists and artworks for this exhibition.
More under http://www.prima-centar-skopje.org/ProektiPCS/EasyTransport.htm
and http://www.msuskopje.org.mk/?sid=698&lid=1
.all photos by Jovan Balov Copyright 2006........................... http://www.prima-centar-skopje.org
Friday, June 23, 2006
Regine Rapp and I have written a review of the 4th Berlin Biennale
for Portal Kunstgeschichte (http://www.portalkunstgeschichte.de/ )
to read the review (in German) click here
Saturday, March 04, 2006
light drawings
i dig a pony ...............gardens of alipasna polje ....after thefall ................radovan's girl
light drawings, recent works, such as caffe bar Flash Art, the gardens of ali pasa polje and after the fall, are reworkings of photographs I took in Bosnia-Herzogonia in the 1990s. I have digitally re-worked the photographs to appear like drawings, a reference to the word 'photography' meaning 'light drawing'.
The process also includes erasing certain parts of the image. In 'editing' these once 'documentary' photographs I choose, like the photo editor of a newspaper or magazine, to highlight or remove certain information. But in these works the manipulation becomes evident to the viewer who is forced to distinguish between the 'subjective' hand of the drawer and the 'objective' eye of the photographer.
The resulting works defy categorization as either documentary or aesthetic, photograph or drawing; but seek to provoke a discussion on these categories themselves.
More examples can be found at this page on my newly updated website