a project to inform those interested about new projects in photography, art and digital media by christian de lutz.
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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Cordoba - Works by Christian de Lutz

Opening: Friday 27 April, 8pm
Galerie Art Digital, GAD
Freienwalderstraße 30
U8 Pankstr./ S-Bahn Bornholmerstr.

Christian de Lutz’s work is an inquiry to the radical changes that photography and the idea of the visual image are undergoing today in our age of fast changing technology. His video Cordoba (2006) was filmed in the Mezquita of the Spanish city of Cordoba. Filmed at slow speed, the crowds of visiting tourists appear as phantom-like blurs. The audio track features a woman’s voice reading text fragments taken from online journals (blogs), written by immigrants from the Near East.

Medieval Cordoba was a vibrant multicultural center. The architectural remnants of this era contrast with the melancholy words of homesickness and estrangement in the script, as if to imply that only in the virtual world of the internet can occident and orient peacefully co-exist.

In his series Light Drawings the artist has digitally altered photographs that he took as a photojournalist in the 1990s, into what appear to be drawings. Pale Sensation, a picture of a crowd of onlookers and camera crews at a politically rally in Bosnia, has been transformed from news footage to aesthetic artefact. Also important here are the gaps, white spaces where visual information has been erased. The series title Light Drawings, refers to the etymological meaning of the word photography itself, both as a pun and a reference to the medium’s aesthetic roots.

The exhibition runs 28.04.-20.05.2007
Opening hours: 28 and 29
* April 1-8pm and by appointment, 0179/1499265

* as part of the first Sunday Wedding program for Contemporaray Art in Berlin- Wedding.

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