Välkommen till Öppet Hus i Nordiska Gästateljén i Malongen Onsdag 17 juni kl 20.30
Welcome to Open Studio in the Residency Studio in Malongen Wednesday June 17, 20.30
Christian de Lutz (Amerika/Tyskland) www.cdelutz.net har under juni månad 2009 en vistelseperiod i Malongen. Se mer på vår hemsida www.nkf.se .
NKF (Nordiska Konstförbundet Svenska sektionen) och Christian de Lutz bjuder in till Öppet Hus. Kom och träffas ett par timmar - vi bjuder på ett glas vin eller vatten, nåt att tugga på. Christian visar videoverk och bilder i ateljén. Christian de Lutz är verksam i Berlin och är vid sidan av sitt eget konstnärliga arbete curator och en av ledarna för det konstnärsdrivna galleriet Art Laboratory i Berlin.
Adress: Nordiska Gästateljén Malongen, Nytorget 15 A. Buss 3 eller 76 till hållplats Gotlandsgatan. Eller T-bana Skanstull.
Christian de Lutz (America/Germany) www.cdelutz.net is the Artist-in-Resident in the Nordic Residency Studio Malongen during June 2009. For more information see our website www.nkf.se .
NKF (Nordic Art Association Swedish section) and Christian de Lutz invite you to an Open Studio. You are welcome to meet Christian, take a look at some of his video- and photo work and to have a glass of wine in the evening of Wednesday June 17th.
Christian de Lutz lives and works in Berlin. Besides his own artistic work he is also a co-director and curator at Art Laboratory Berlin.
Address: Malongen Residency Studio, Nytorget 15 A. Bus 3 or 76 to Gotlandsgatan. T-bana Skanstull.
Untitled, from Christian de Lutz's cuts series
The series cuts examines the limits of the photographer’s perception, and the resistance of the world to portrayal. The works consist of small details of documentary photographs taken over the last 15 years. Often the images are of details I was unaware of while photographing. Like the main character in Antonioni’s Blow Up, I often only discover the secret narrative of these details “in the darkroom”. These “secret stories” take place in the background, on the margins, of the original images (which are now exterior, unknown to the viewer). Freed of their original context, they form new relationships with other works in the series, and with the world at large, quite independent of their documentary origin.
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