a project to inform those interested about new projects in photography, art and digital media by christian de lutz.
interaction is encouraged. send postings to: blog@cdelutz.net

visit my website

Monday, November 02, 2009

Christian de Lutz is taking part in Projetaveis
a section of the the 7th Bienal do Mercosul
in Porto Alegre, Brasil
16 October - 29 November 2009

screen shot from http://www.bienalmercosul.art.br/projetaveis/node/30

screen shot from http://www.bienalmercosul.art.br/projetaveis/node/30

screen shot from http://www.bienalmercosul.art.br/projetaveis/node/30

more at

1 comment:

Michelle Chong said...

This is an awesome project. Congrats on the inclusion in the biennial!